Our cyber offerings can complement, or in some cases replace, those of existing IT service providers.
Does your IT provider properly monitor your full attack surface? (usually not)
Our attack surface monitoring will give you independent oversight – either providing confidence that existing suppliers are doing their job (on an ongoing basis) and/or providing crucial data to enable them to do so.
Does your IT provider conduct effective penetration testing?
IT providers will often avoid costs – either not conducting assessments regularly enough, completing them ‘in house’, using low quality providers, or not at all. Our independent specialist testing ensures high quality, non-biased testing, at least validating your IT security – or, more commonly, help to find weakness and fix them before hackers exploit those vulnerabilities.
Is your IT provider running a full information security programme?
Information security and cyber security is not limited to school computers and networks; A holistic approach is needed – covering organisational policy, processes and people. An IT provider in isolation is unlikely to be providing complete coverage. We can help schools build safe and practical programmes, working with and alongside existing providers.
Does your IT provider operate awareness training and phishing simulations?
How does your IT provider remain aware of new and emerging threats, and tailor training based upon your users’ behaviours? How effective is any current training – what is training uptake? how much time does it take from your people? We believe that our partnership is unique to the industry – with compelling pricing, ultra effective and dynamic frictionless training. Clear reporting – with the quickest and easiest onboarding process that we’ve seen from any vendor to date.
Does your IT provider ensure Cyber Essentials certification? At what cost?
If your school isn’t Cyber Essentials certified, we can help support schools through that journey – with specialist guidance, and best-in-class technical platform, we provide comfort and assistance through the certification process. If your IT provider does provide certification – what is the cost?
Does your IT provider provide cyber insurance (for the school – not just themselves)?
Only 1 in 4 cyber insurance policies pay out in full – often because agreed controls were found to be missing or inadequate, or the scope of coverage wasn’t fully understood. Our unique offering requires a subset of basic cyber-hygiene controls, and once established, will ensure a rapid re-imbursement ‘warranty’ to cover all aspects of cyber breach costs.